Why is making disciples so important?

Jesus Said So.

Jesus Said So.

His words not ours.

Creating disciples of Jesus Christ is crucial because it is the primary mission that Jesus left for his followers. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus gave the Great Commission to his disciples, saying, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Extreme Sports Biking
It’s a Command, not a Suggestion.

This commandment is not optional, but rather an important aspect of the Christian faith. When we make disciples, we are not just teaching people about Jesus, we are also helping them to grow in their faith and to live out their faith in the world. Disciples are people who are committed to following and obeying Jesus and who are reaching out to others in His name and making a difference in the world.

Matthew 28:19

As you go, make disciples of all nations…

Our Current
Discipleship Projects

We are passionate about making disciples who obey Jesus. We believe that when people follow Jesus they are transformed and become more compassionate, loving, and just. We use a variety of methods to make disciples, including Discover Bible Studies, mentoring, coaching, and training. We also provide resources for Disciple Making Movements around the world.

We believe that everyone has the potential to be a disciple of Jesus. We seek to be catalysts, intentionally building relationships that lead to opportunities to introduce people to Jesus Christ. We believe that when people encounter Jesus, their lives are changed forever.

North America

Trainings are happening all over North America and Disciple Making Movements are taking place!


Disciple Making Movement started with just 7 leaders in Haiti and there are now over 50!

Light & Life Training Center

Two annual Kingdom Movements Practitioners Conferences.


66 Discover Bible Studies launched and 60 churches!